Room 1: Ilman Jumalaa yhteiskunta irtoaa todellisuudesta Miten merkillistä aikaa elämmekään. Perinteiset arvot ovat raadeltavina ja kaikkea sitä mikä aikaisemmin on tuntunut itsestäänselvyydeltä, ollaan kyseenalaistamassa. Yhteiskunta tavoittelee ”suvaitsevaisuutta”, ”haitallisten” […]
In this episode of Precept Ministries UK’s ’The Bible and Me’ podcast, Sarah Yardley talks to Molly Watts about her important grounding in God’s Word as a youth and how […]
In this episode, Nigel Watts speaks with David Pawson, an internationally recognised Bible teacher and author about his life from giving lambs sight as a farmer to giving the flock […]
In this episode, Nigel Watts speaks with Reverend Isobel Akers about her journey of faith through illness and her miraculous healing.
In this episode, Nigel speaks to Linvoy Primus about how God’s Word impacted the life of a professional footballer
This episode starring Graham Daniels from Christians in Sport –
In this episode, Molly chats with Jo Fothergill of The Filling Station. To connect with Jo visit
In this episode we chat with Gavin Calver Director of Mission for The Evangelical Alliance and Former director of Youth for Christ.
This episode of The Bible and Me our guest Chris Mould Home
In this episode, Nigel chats with Gareth Bell a Christian magician, Ministry leader and passionate Precept Leader.